Combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and variable-number tandem repeats for genotyping a homogenous population of <em>Mycobacterium... (Publications)
The standard 15- and 24-locus variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) genotyping methods have demonstrated adequate discriminatory power and a small homoplasy effect for tracing tuberculosis (TB) transmi
MALVAC 2009: progress and challenges in development of whole organism malaria vaccines for endemic countries, 3-4 June 2009, Dakar, Senegal (Publications)
Research and development into whole organism malaria vaccines is progressing rapidly thanks to the major investments over recent years from several funders, and the commitment and interest of many lea
Explaining suicide: identifying common themes and diverse perspectives in an urban Mumbai slum (Publications)
Rates, demographics and diagnostics, which are the focus of many studies of suicide, may provide an insufficient account without adequate consideration of psychological, social and cultural contexts a
Roadside measurements of size-segregated particulate organic compounds near gasoline and diesel-dominated freeways in Los Angeles, CA (Publications)
Individual organic compounds such as hopanes and steranes (originating in lube oil) and selected polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs) (generated via combustion) found in particulate emissions from veh