Quality of life is associated with physical activity and fitness in cystic fibrosis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Health-related and disease-specific quality of life (HRQoL) has been increasingly valued as relevant clinical parameter in cystic fibrosis (CF) clinical care and clinical trials. HRQoL mea
Sex differentials in the uptake of antiretroviral treatment in Zambia (Publications)
This study explores socio-structural factors that influence uptake of antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Zambia and assess differences between men and women. We conducted a case-control study nested in
HIV testing and tolerance to gender based violence: a cross-sectional study in Zambia (Publications)
This paper explores the effect of social relations and gender-based conflicts on the uptake of HIV testing in the South and Central provinces of Zambia. We conducted a community-based cross-sectional
Temporal trends of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in everyday environments across European cities (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The rapid development and increased use of wireless telecommunication technologies led to a substantial change of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in the general pop
Performance-based financing for improving HIV/AIDS service delivery: a systematic review (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Although domestic HIV/AIDS financing is increasing, international HIV/AIDS financing has plateaued. Providing incentives for the health system (i.e. performance-based financing [PBF]) may
The dynamics of health and return migration (Publications)
The increasing importance and complexity of migration globally also implies a global increase in return migration, and thus an increased interest in the health of returning migrants. The health of ret
Sentinel surveillance of imported dengue via travellers to Europe 2012 to 2014: TropNet data from the DengueTools Research Initiative (Publications)
We describe the epidemiological pattern and genetic characteristics of 242 acute dengue infections imported to Europe by returning travellers from 2012 to 2014. The overall geographical pattern of imp