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Moleculer Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases edited by Udo Reischl, Humana Press, 1998 [Book review] (Publications)
Distribution of Rickettsia-like microorganisms in various organs of an <em>Ornithodorus moubata</em> laboratory strain (<em>Ixodoidea, Argasidae</em>)... (Publications)
Epidemiology of multiple Plasmodium falciparum infections. 2. Genotypes of merozoite surface protein 2 of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Tanzania (Publications)
Partenariat scientifique avec les pays en développement: le grand défi d'aujourd'hui (Publications)
Ultrastrukturelle Aspekte der Eibildung bei Rhipicephalus bursa (Canestrini & Fanzago) (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) (Publications)
Zur Ultrastruktur der Mitteldarmepithelzellen bei männlichen und weiblichen Stechmücken (<em>Aedes aegypti </em>L.) (Publications)
Climate change and health in Africa (Publications)
Stimulation of hamster and human lymphocyte cultures by soluble egg antigens (SEA) of <em>Schistosoma haematobium </em>and <em>S. mansoni</em> (Publications)
Vulnerability and adaptability of sanitation systems to climate change (Publications)
Wie werden Auswirkungen von Umweltbelastungen auf den Menschen untersucht? (Publications)