Sex-specific associations of cardiovascular risk factors with carotid stiffness - results from the SAPALDIA cohort study (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Manifestation of cardiovascular disease (CVD) occurs with clear sex differences. Carotid stiffness (CS) parameters are increasingly used for CVD risk assessment but the sex-specific associa
Reproducibility of oscillometrically measured arterial stiffness indices: results of the SAPALDIA 3 cohort study (Publications)
Background. There is an increasing interest in oscillometric arterial stiffness measurement for cardiovascular risk stratification. We assessed reproducibility of the cuff-based arterial stiffness mea
Association of ambient air pollution with the prevalence and incidence of COPD (Publications)
The role of air pollution in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains uncertain. The aim was to assess the impact of chronic exposure to air pollution on COPD in four cohorts using the sta
Physical activity is associated with lower arterial stiffness in older adults: results of the SAPALDIA 3 cohort study (Publications)
Associations of physical activity (PA) intensity with arterial stiffness in older adults at the population level are insufficiently studied. We examined cross-sectional associations of self-reported P
Is there a differential impact of parity on blood pressure by age? (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: In pregnancy, women experience metabolic and hemodynamic changes of potential long-term impact. Conflicting evidence exists on the impact on blood pressure (BP). We investigated the associa
Rhinitis in Swiss adults is associated with asthma and early life factors, but not second hand tobacco smoke or obesity (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Second hand tobacco smoke (SHS) and overweight/obesity are risk factors for asthma and lower airway respiratory symptoms. We investigated whether SHS or overweight/obesity were also associ
Early life origins of lung ageing: early life exposures and lung function decline in adulthood in two European cohorts aged 28-73 years (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Early life environment is essential for lung growth and maximally attained lung function. Whether early life exposures impact on lung function decline in adulthood, an indicator of lung ag
Ambient ultrafine particle levels at residential and reference sites in urban and rural Switzerland (Publications)
Although there is evidence that ultrafine particles (UFP) do affect human health there are currently no legal ambient standards. The main reasons are the absence of spatially resolved exposure data to