Special considerations for studies of extracellular vesicles from parasitic helminths: a community-led roadmap to increase rigour and reproducibility (Publications)
Over the last decade, research interest in defining how extracellular vesicles (EVs) shape cross-species communication has grown rapidly. Parasitic helminths, worm species found in the phyla Nematoda
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with a long versus a short biliopancreatic limb improves weight loss and glycemic control in obese mice (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) results in long-term weight loss and reduced obesity related co-morbidities. However, little is known about how the lengths of the biliopancreatic limb (BPL
Epidemiology of Buruli ulcer (Publications)
A highly disabling infectious disease in developing countries, leprosy, or Hansen’s disease, is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, and is still very relevant for the human community due to its transmissi
History and geographic distribution of Buruli ulcer (Publications)
A highly disabling infectious disease in developing countries, leprosy, or Hansen’s disease, is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, and is still very relevant for the human community due to its transmissi
Cutaneous tuberculosis of the foot clinically mimicking mycetoma: a case report (Publications)
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: In a resource-limited setting such as Sudan, where diagnostic and surveillance capacities are limited and several dermal diseases with similar clinical presentation are endemic,
A qualitative assessment of community acceptability and use of a locally developed children's book to increase shared reading and parent-child... (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Early reading interventions hold promise for increasing language and literacy development in young children and improving caregiver-child interactions. To engage rural caregivers and you
A remote parenting program and parent and staff perspectives: a randomized trial (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To assess impact and implementation of remote delivery of a parenting program following suspension of in-person visits during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. METHODS: Impact of remo
Associations between the use of insecticide-treated nets in early childhood and educational outcomes, marriage and child-bearing in early adulthood:... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in preventing malaria in young children is well established. However, the long-term effects of early childhood ITN use on educational o
Correlation of cytokines with parasitic infections, undernutrition and micronutrient deficiency among schoolchildren in rural Tanzania: a... (Publications)
Malnutrition and parasitic infections are often interconnected in a vicious cycle. Malnutrition can lead to changes in immune response, which may affect cytokine concentrations and potentially increas