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Pyruvate as a factor supporting survival of blood stream forms of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> strain 427 <em>in vitro</em> (Publications)
Preliminary investigations on the resistance of malaria to chloroquine at St. Francis Hospital Ifakara. (Publications)
Identification of Taxreb107 as a lactogenic hormone responsive gene in mammary epithelial cells (Publications)
Two promoters within the human LMO4 gene contribute to its overexpression in breast cancer cells (Publications)
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>: purification of erythrocytes infected with live mature forms (Publications)
Consistency in preventing voluntary dehydration in boys who drink a flavored carbohydrate-NaCl beverage during exercise in the heat (Publications)
Responses of lymph node cells from <em>Dipetalonema viteae: </em>infected hamsters to xenogeneic, mitomycin-treated leukocytes (Publications)
Untersuchung über eine Immunität gegen Mikrofilarien der Art <em>Dipetalonema vitea</em> bei <em>Meriones lybicus</em> und beim Hamster (Publications)
Ein NO2-Passivsammler-Messkonzept für SAPALDIA 2 : Praktikumsbericht : Praktikum am ISPM Basel vom 22. Juli 02 bis 13. Januar 03 (Publications)
A bioactive biflavonoid from <em>Campnosperma panamense</em> (Publications)