Governing decentralization in health care under tough budget constraint: what can we learn from the Italian experience? (Publications)
In many European countries, since the World War II, there has been a trend towards decentralization of health policy to lower levels of governments, while more recently there have been re-centralizati
Die Wandlungen von Konfliktreaktionsmechanismen bei jugendlichen Dissozialen in einem tehrapeutischen Milieu (Publications)
An institution of execution of measures is passing through changes towards a therapeutic community. The effect of this change is assessed in terms of elopements and illness episodes. The conflict reac
Luftverschmutzung und Atemwegserkrankungen bei Kindern (Publications)
Children are particularly susceptible for respiratory diseases, this is why studies on health effects of air pollution are often investigating children. Children have some other advantages: they do no
Systematic validation of land use regression medels for NO2 (Publications)
Land use regression (LUR) models have become popular to explain the spatial variation of air pollution concentrations. Independent evaluation is important. We developed LUR models for nitrogen dioxide
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and childhood cognitive and psychomotor development in six European birth cohorts studies (Publications)
BACKGROUND:: Accumulating evidence from laboratory animal and human studies suggests that air pollution exposure during pregnancy affects cognitive and psychomotor development in childhood. METHODS::