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Comparative testing of a miniature diffusion size classifier to assess airbone ultrafine particles under field conditions (Publications)
Risk assessment of arsenic contammination in tube-well drinking water in Hanam province (Publications)
Electronic perinatal registry in Volyn, Ukraine: concept and implementation strategy (Publications)
Reassessment of morphology and historical distribution as factors in conservation efforts for the Endangered Patagonian Huemul Deer <em>Hippocamelus... (Publications)
Discovery of novel benzo[a]phenoxazine SSJ-183 as a drug candidate for malaria (Publications)
Lipidomics: new tools and applications (Publications)
Foci of <em>Schistosomiasis mekongi</em>, Northern Cambodia. II. Distribution of infection and morbidity (Publications)
Prevalence and incidence of allergic diseases in elderly - results of the cohort study SALIA (Publications)
Field activity cost estimates for the first 3 years of the World Bank loan project for schistosomiasis control in China (Publications)
HRAM - Health Resouces Allocation Model manual for computer version (Draft) (Publications)