A community study of the effect of particulate matter on blood measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The mechanism behind the triggering effect of fine particulate matter (PM) air pollution on cardiovascular events remains elusive. We postulated that elevated levels of PM would be associa
Zahngesundheit in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen Gesundheitsbefragung 2002 (Publications)
Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health of the Swiss adult population describing the following topics: Dentist/dental hygienist visits, dentition and dental hygiene. Meth
Monitoring of larval habitats and mosquito densities in the Sudan savanna of Mali: implications for malaria vector control (Publications)
In Mali, anopheline mosquito populations increase sharply during the rainy season, but are barely detectable in the dry season. This study attempted to identify the dry season mosquito breeding popula