Rabies knowledge and practices among human and veterinary health workers in Chad (Publications)
To prevent human rabies deaths close communication between the veterinary and human health sector is needed for timely and adequate treatment after a bite exposure. Good practice treatment and efficie
PCR correction strategies for malaria drug trials: updates and clarifications (Publications)
Malaria drug trials conducted in endemic areas face a major challenge in their analysis because it is difficult to establish whether parasitaemia in blood samples collected after treatment indicate dr
Collaborative RNAS+ research: priorities and outcomes (Publications)
Over the past 20 years, RNAS(+) has been generating research results from highly collaborative projects meant to promote and advance understanding in various aspects of schistosomiasis. Epidemiologica
Associations of various nighttime noise exposure indicators with objective sleep efficiency and self-reported sleep quality: a field study (Publications)
It is unclear which noise exposure time window and noise characteristics during nighttime are most detrimental for sleep quality in real-life settings. We conducted a field study with 105 volunteers w
Guidance for studies evaluating the accuracy of tuberculosis triage tests (Publications)
Approximately 3.6 million cases of active tuberculosis (TB) go potentially undiagnosed annually, partly due to limited access to confirmatory diagnostic tests, such as molecular assays or mycobacteria