DNA sequence explains seemingly disordered methylation levels in partially methylated domains of Mammalian genomes (Publications)
For the most part metazoan genomes are highly methylated and harbor only small regions with low or absent methylation. In contrast, partially methylated domains (PMDs), recently discovered in a variet
Implementing ideal health policy in a fragile health system: the example of expanding the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in mainland Tanzania (Publications)
Malaria confirmation before treatment provides an opportunity for improving the quality of malaria case management in endemic regions. However, increased coverage of this strategy is facing many organ
Assessment of factors influencing retention in the Philippine National Rural Physician Deployment Program (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The 'Doctors to the Barrios' (DTTB) Program was launched in 1993 in response to the shortage of doctors in remote communities in the Philippines. While the Program has attracted physicians
A clinical prediction score in addition to WHO criteria for anti-retroviral treatment failure in resource-limited settings: experience from Lesotho (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess the positive predictive value (PPV) of a clinical score for viral failure among patients fulfilling the WHO-criteria for anti-retroviral treatment (ART) failure in rural Lesotho.
The past and future of tuberculosis research (Publications)
Renewed efforts in tuberculosis (TB) research have led to important new insights into the biology and epidemiology of this devastating disease. Yet, in the face of the modern epidemics of HIV/AIDS, di
The influence of host and bacterial genotype on the development of disseminated disease with <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
The factors that govern the development of tuberculosis disease are incompletely understood. We hypothesized that some strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) are more capable of causi
Chlorination disinfection by-products and risk of congenital anomalies in England and Wales (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Increased risk of various congenital anomalies has been reported to be associated with trihalomethane (THM) exposure in the water supply. OBJECTIVES: We conducted a registry-based study to
Retail sector distribution chains for malaria treatment in the developing world: a review of the literature (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In many low-income countries, the retail sector plays an important role in the treatment of malaria and is increasingly being considered as a channel for improving medicine availability. R