Determinants of bed net use conditional on access in population surveys in Ghana (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are one of the most effective and widely available methods for preventing malaria, and there is interest in understanding the complexities of behavioural dr
Global fund financing to the 34 malaria-eliminating countries under the new funding model 2014-2017: an analysis of national allocations and regional... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) has been the largest financial supporter of malaria since 2002. In 2011, the GFATM transitioned to a new funding model (NFM
Intravital imaging of host-parasite interactions in skin and adipose tissues (Publications)
Intravital microscopy (IVM) allows the visualization of how pathogens interact with host cells and tissues in living animals in real time. This method has enabled key advances in our understanding of
ExpoApp: an integrated system to assess multiple personal environmental exposures (Publications)
To assess environmental exposures at the individual level, new assessment methods and tools are required. We developed an exposure assessment system (ExpoApp) for smartphones. ExpoApp integrates: (i)