Breastfeeding initiation in mothers with repeat cesarean section: the impact of marital status (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Approximately 90% of mothers with a primary C-section have a subsequent C-section. To date, research has demonstrated that primary C-sections are associated with breastfeeding noninitiatio
Interracial couples and breastfeeding initiation in the United States (Publications)
In the past decade, the prevalence of interracial couples has steadily increased. Recent reports state that nearly one in five marriages are between spouses of different races. Interracial couples rec
The role of paternity acknowledgment in breastfeeding noninitiation (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In the United States, less than a quarter of mothers breastfeed in accordance with national recommendations. To date, researchers have demonstrated that paternal support directly influence
Discordance in couples pregnancy intentions and breastfeeding duration: results from the national survey of family growth 2011-2013 (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Parental disagreement in pregnancy intention elevates the risk of adverse health events for mother and child. However, research surrounding parental pregnancy intention discrepancies and b
Marital status disruptions and internalizing disorders of children (Publications)
Marital disruption (i.e., separation or divorce) impacts an estimated 40-50% of married couples. Previous research has shown that marital disruption results in negative health outcomes for children an
Association between intimate partner violence and breastfeeding duration: results from the 2004-2014 pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Intimate partner violence is a major public health problem that disproportionately affects women. Current literature investigating the relationship between intimate partner violence and br
Model validation for a knowledge and practices survey towards prevention of soil-transmitted helminth infections in rural villages in Indonesia (Publications)
The rate of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infection is estimated to be around 20% in Indonesia. Health promotion and health education are cost-effective strategies to supplement STH prevention and c
Sensor setpoints that ensure compliance with microbial water quality targets for membrane bioreactor and chlorination treatment in on-site water reuse... (Publications)
Widespread implementation of on-site water reuse systems is hindered by the limited ability to ensure the level of treatment and protection of human health during operation. In this study, we tested t
Short interpregnancy interval and adverse birth outcomes in women of advanced age: a population-based study (Publications)
PURPOSE: Short interpregnancy interval (IPI) has been linked with adverse birth outcomes. However, the association in advanced age women needs further investigation. This study aims to examine the ass
Decentralised treatment solutions for on-site faecal sludge: quantifying the removal efficiencies of two novel systems in an East African city (Publications)
Pit latrines, leach-tanks and septic tanks are on-site sanitation systems used by approximately 2.7 billion people. For these systems to be safe, the faecal sludge needs to be safely contained or remo