Medikamentenkonsum bei Basler Schülern (Publications)
A survey on drug consumption of school children of Basle (age 13-18) was conducted by anonymous questionnaire and involved 50% of the adolescents concerned. Analgesic drugs were taken by almost 60% of
Stillen, die natürliche Massnahme zur Förderung der Gesundheit (Publications)
Breast-feeding has long been accepted as the best way of feeding young children. Promotion of breast-feeding in hospitals has increased the proportion of women beginning to breast feed. The maintenanc
Health-related effects of repetitive activities (Publications)
Two hundred workers of the Swiss watch industry were examined in a study of repetitive work effects on the well-being of workers. Repetitive work has shown to have two main influences on well-being: R
Die Entwicklung lange gestillter Kinder (Publications)
In the Basle Kindergarten study children who were breast-fed for more than 18 weeks were compared in their development with children who had never received breast milk. The children were grouped accor