Hunde spüren Tiger auf (Blog)
Sie haben wahrscheinlich schon von Trüffelhunden oder Minenhunden gehört. Tigermückenhunde könnten sich in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft in die Gruppe der Hunde mit erstaunlichen Spürfähigkeiten einreihe
Swiss TPH: 30 years of R&D towards new drugs for tropical diseases (Publications)
The year 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, education and services, wo
Effectiveness and acceptance of group therapy as a mental health intervention for people living with HIV in Africa - a scoping literature review (Publications)
Mental health problems are highly prevalent among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), yet mental health care in African countries is scarce. There is growing interest in understanding the effect of g
Axs2OH: Access to Oral Health | Swiss TPH Projects (Page)
Axs2OH: Access to Oral Health among Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Switzerland What is good oral health? Good oral health means having a clean, healthy mouth, teeth, and gums without pain, disease, or
Acting together to end sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls in Nigeria (Page)
As a teenager, I narrowly escaped an attempted rape by an acquaintance. Later, in my postgraduate studies, I delved into the literature on violence against women. This showed me the profound challenge
Acting together to end sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls in Nigeria (Blog)
Olutoyin Opeyemi Ikuteyijo is a PhD student in the Society, Gender, and Health Unit within the Public Health and Epidemiology department at Swiss TPH. Her research work focuses on the experiences of s
Modelling the Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in All of Its Twists and Turns (Page)
With a background in applied mathematics and public health, Prof Melissa Penny has long experience in modelling infectious diseases. At the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), wher
Empowering Health Leaders: Our Alumni on the Role of Scholarships (Page)
Education and training has been a cornerstone of Swiss TPH since its foundation. One of our flagship programmes is the Health Care and Management course, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this yea
Empowering Health Leaders: Health Care and Management Alumni on the Role of Scholarships (Blog)
At Swiss TPH, we aim to develop the next generation of health leaders who can address public health issues around the world. Three of our DAS Health Care and Management alumni shared their experiences
Education and Training | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Education and Training Graduate and Postgraduate Education From general introductory courses and specialised short courses, to bachelor, master, PhD and professional postgraduate programmes, hundreds