Spatial variation of PM elemental compositon between and within 20 European study areas - results of the ESCAPE project (Publications)
PM2.5 and PM10 in twenty study areas across Europe in three seasonal two-week periods over a year using Harvard impactors and standardized protocols. In each area, we selected street (ST), urban (UB) and [...] (PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance, NO2 and NOx) across Europe: in general, Cu and Fe in all size fractions were highly correlated (Pearson correlations above 0.75); Si and Zn in the coarse fractions were modestly [...] the elements. Variability of PM10_Cu and Fe was mostly due to within-study...
Sero-prevalence of brucellosis, Q-fever and Rift Valley fever in humans and livestock in Somali Region, Ethiopia (Publications)
brucellosis, Q-fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF) in humans and livestock in Adadle Woreda of the Somali Region, Ethiopia. Blood samples were collected from humans and livestock and tested by relevant s [...] brucellosis, Rose Bengal test (RBT) and indirect ELISA was used for screening and confirmatory diagnosis respectively. Indirect and competitive ELISA were also used for Q-fever and RVF respectively. The individual [...] in Somali Region and is the first published study to describe RVF...
Sero-prevalence of brucellosis, Q-fever and Rift Valley fever in humans and livestock in Somali Region, Ethiopia (Publications)
brucellosis, Q-fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF) in humans and livestock in Adadle Woreda of the Somali Region, Ethiopia. Blood samples were collected from humans and livestock and tested by relevant s [...] brucellosis, Rose Bengal test (RBT) and indirect ELISA was used for screening and confirmatory diagnosis respectively. Indirect and competitive ELISA were also used for Q-fever and RVF respectively. The individual [...] in Somali Region and is the first published study to describe RVF...
Assessing the association between air pollution and child development in São Paulo, Brazil (Publications)
population health globally, with particularly high risks for urban residents. In this study, we assessed the association between residential nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure and children's cognitive and behavioural [...] collected at 80 locations in 2019, and land use regression modelling was used to estimate annual NO2 concentration at children's homes. Associations between predicted NO2 exposure and children's cognitive development [...] behavioural development using data from Sao Paulo Brazil,...
Breastfeeding, physical growth, and cognitive development (Publications)
in modern urban settings, where clean water is available and alternative foods are abundant. We investigate the importance of breastfeeding for early childhood development in the modern urban context of [...] Region Birth cohort in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Children were recruited at birth and managed for 3 years. Durations of exclusive and mixed breastfeeding were our primary independent variables. Our secondary [...] for compliance with World Health Organization (WHO) breastfeeding recommendations....
Assessing the association between air pollution and child development in São Paulo, Brazil (Publications)
population health globally, with particularly high risks for urban residents. In this study, we assessed the association between residential nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure and children's cognitive and behavioural [...] collected at 80 locations in 2019, and land use regression modelling was used to estimate annual NO2 concentration at children's homes. Associations between predicted NO2 exposure and children's cognitive development [...] behavioural development using data from Sao Paulo Brazil,...
Breastfeeding, physical growth, and cognitive development (Publications)
in modern urban settings, where clean water is available and alternative foods are abundant. We investigate the importance of breastfeeding for early childhood development in the modern urban context of [...] Region Birth cohort in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Children were recruited at birth and managed for 3 years. Durations of exclusive and mixed breastfeeding were our primary independent variables. Our secondary [...] for compliance with World Health Organization (WHO) breastfeeding recommendations....
Associations of air pollution and greenness with mortality in Greece: an ecological study (Publications)
socioeconomic indicators and lung cancer rates, accounting for spatial autocorrelation. The analysis was conducted initially for the whole country and then separately for urban and rural areas. We assessed [...] effects of exposure to pollutants and greenness. We investigated the association of long-term exposure to air pollution and greenness with natural-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality in Greece [...] assessed interactions between pollutants and greenness and applied...
Associations of air pollution and greenness with mortality in Greece: an ecological study (Publications)
socioeconomic indicators and lung cancer rates, accounting for spatial autocorrelation. The analysis was conducted initially for the whole country and then separately for urban and rural areas. We assessed [...] effects of exposure to pollutants and greenness. We investigated the association of long-term exposure to air pollution and greenness with natural-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality in Greece [...] assessed interactions between pollutants and greenness and applied...
Dog rabies control in West and Central Africa: a review (Publications)
availability and coverage, iv) dog population estimates, v) dog vaccination campaigns, vi) animal and human health communication (One Health), vii) molecular studies, viii) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices [...] truly prioritized rabies elimination and are thus providing the necessary support and political buy-in required to achieve success. In summary, the sub-region of West and Central Africa seems to be divided [...] The epidemiology of rabies from most Western and Central African countries...