Improving newborn health in countries exposed to political violence: an assessment of the availability, accessibility, and distribution of neonatal... (Publications)
Introduction: Geopolitical segregation of Palestine has left a fragile healthcare system with an unequal distribution of services. Data from the Gaza Strip reflect an increase in infant mortality that
A comprehensive research agenda for zero leprosy (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Leprosy control achieved dramatic success in the 1980s-1990s with the implementation of short course multidrug therapy, which reduced the global prevalence of leprosy to less than 1 in 10
Rabies control: could innovative financing break the deadlock? (Publications)
The neglected zoonotic diseases (NZDs) have been all but eradicated in wealthier countries but remain major causes of ill-health and mortality in over 80 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin Ameri
Erratum: Paolo Lauriola et al., Advancing global health through environmental and public health tracking, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,... (Publications)
Due to an error during production, some contents of Table 1 are missing in the published paper [...].
Association between estimated whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields dose and cognitive function in preadolescents and adolescents (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between estimated whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) dose, using an improved integrated RF-EMF exposure model, and cognitive function
Results-based financing to increase uptake of skilled delivery services in The Gambia: using the 'three delays' model to interpret midline evaluation... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Delays in accessing skilled delivery services are a major contributor to high maternal mortality in resource-limited settings. In 2015, the government of The Gambia initiated a results-bas
From <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> outbreak to elimination: lessons learnt from a retrospective analysis of data from Guantang (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria was once a serious public health problem in China, with Plasmodium vivax the major species responsible for more than 90% of local transmission. Following significant integrated mal
Investigating the effect of recall period on estimates of inpatient out-of-pocket expenditure from household surveys in Vietnam (Publications)
Out-of-pocket payments (OOPs), direct payments by households or individuals for healthcare are part of the health financing landscape. Data on OOPs is needed to monitor progress in financial risk prot