The Swiss 5G backpacker: Hiking across Switzerland to explore electromagnetic fields (Blog)
Nicolas Loizeau, the Swiss 5G backpacker, hikes across Switzerland with his measurement backpack. He is part of the Swiss TPH Hiking Club, which aims to assess the electrosmog exposure in Switzerland
Are clinical decision support systems the future? (Blog)
Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) – digital tools that help healthcare providers deliver evidence-based care – can improve the quality of care in resource-constrained settings. We spoke to Tali
Swiss TPH students' global health endeavours around the world (Blog)
We asked our PhD students at Swiss TPH to send in videos and photos of their work abroad. These submissions provide a glimpse into their incredible work across the globe, spanning diverse research are
Hybrid learning brings new possibilities (Blog)
The MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) has been on the road to success since it launched in 2013. Behind the comprehensive programme structure lies a great deal of work and organization.
A full focus on continuing education: Portrait of a career changer (Blog)
Pierina Maibach has been responsible for communications and media at SolidarMed in Lucerne, Switzerland since September 2020. The organization's core mission is to work with local partners to strength
«Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass Pharmaunternehmen viel mehr tun können, als Medikamente herstellen» (Blog)
Lutz Hegemann, Präsident Global Health & Sustainability von Novartis, ist seit 2023 Mitglied des Swiss TPH-Kuratoriums. Im Interview erklärt er uns, warum er als Arzt zur Pharmaindustrie wechselte, wi
When epidemiologists become detectives: Interview with Helena Greter (Blog)
Helena Greter, Leader of the Competence Centre for Epidemiological Outbreak Investigations at Swiss TPH, talks about the role of the competence centre, looks at current outbreaks in Switzerland and ex
Weiterbildungsstudiengänge (MAS, DAS & CAS) | Studieren am Swiss TPH (Page)
Weiterbildungsstudiengänge am Swiss TPH – MAS, DAS und CAS Am Swiss TPH bieten wir Ihnen herausragende Master-, Diplom- und Zertifikatsstudiengänge (MAS, DAS und CAS) in Global Health und Management a
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Page)
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Swiss TPH works on aspects of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in countries where drinking water is scarce and where poor hygiene is a leading cause of infectious dis
Investigations of the metabolites of the trypanocidal drug melarsoprol (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Melarsoprol remains the first-choice drug for trypanosomiasis (human African sleeping sickness). To contribute to the sparse pharmacologic data and to better understand the cause of the fr