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Managing pharmaceuticals in international Health (Publications)
Miltefosin - eine Fallstudie, wie öffentliche Erfindungen für arme Länder verfügbar gemacht werden können (Publications)
<em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> is highly prevalent on Mekong Islands in southern Loa PDR (Publications)
Equitable access to water in multi-water supply systems of Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
An exploration of multilevel modeling for estimating access to drinking-water and sanitation (Publications)
Under pressure: health care reform in Romania: Reorganisation of neonatology services (Publications)
Quite an unhealthy environment: Tuberculosis control in in prisons in countries of the former Soviet Union (Publications)
<em>Mycobacterium bovis</em> in Africa (Publications)
Crowding at Lake Chad: an integrated approach to demographic and health surveillance of mobile pastoralists and their animals (Publications)
Impact of brucellosis on households : a survey with special consideration of its direct and indirect costs and on coping strategies : human health... (Publications)