Peripheral blood dendritic cells in children with acute <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
The importance of dendritic cells (DCs) for the initiation and regulation of immune responses not only to foreign organisms but also to the self has raised considerable interest in the qualitative and
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>-infected erythrocytes: agglutination by diverse Kenyan plasma is associated with severe disease and young host age (Publications)
The variant surface antigens (VSAs) of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells are potentially important targets of naturally acquired immunity to malaria. Natural infections induce agglutinati
Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To identify clinical indicators of immediate, early, and late mortality in children at admission to a sub-Saharan district hospital and to develop prognostic scores. DESIGN: Prospective co