CARAMAL | Swiss TPH Malaria Projects (Page)
CARAMAL - Community Access to Rectal Artesunate for Malaria Many malaria deaths occur in places where people have poor access to preventive and curative health services. Prompt access to quality care
KvarQ: Targeted and direct variant calling in FastQ reads of bacterial genomes (Page)
KvarQ Targeted and Direct Variant Calling in FastQ Reads of Bacterial Genomes The programme KvarQ performs rapid in silico genotyping for selected loci (e.g. phylogenetic SNPs, drug resistance mutatio
FarmCoSwiss | Swiss TPH Studien (Page)
FarmCoSwiss Langzeit-Gesundheitsstudie für in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft tätige Personen und deren Ehe- oder Lebenspartner Unsere Umfrage ist derzeit für die Registrierung geschlossen. Die Umfrage w
FarmCoSwiss | Studi del Swiss TPH (Page)
FarmCoSwiss Studio sulla salute a lungo termine delle persone che lavorano nell’agricoltura svizzera e dei/delle loro coniugi/partner La registrazione al nostro sondaggio è attualmente chiusa. È possi
In Focus: Helena Greter investigates parasites in snails, livestock and humans in the Sahel (Page)
Helena Greter has had an intense time of it. The epidemiologist at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) has just spent 10 days in Chad, taking stock at the halfway point of her t
Arthropod Facility | Swiss TPH Research Infrastructure (Page)
Arthropod Facility Many species of blood-sucking arthropods, such as mosquitoes, sand flies or ticks, transmit pathogens from one host to another, causing disease in humans and animals, and are called
Laboratories | Research Infrastructure at Swiss TPH (Page)
Laboratories BSL-2 Laboratories The majority of the laboratories at Swiss TPH have the biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) to protect humans and the environment from hazards or damage that could be caused by th
Biobanks | Research Infrastructure at Swiss TPH (Page)
Biobanks The Swiss TPH biobanks store over half a million biological samples such as blood, urine, stool and saliva in refrigerators at -80°C, collected prospectively in the context of population-base
BSL-3 Laboratories | Research Infrastructure at Swiss TPH (Page)
BSL-3 Laboratories The Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) facility has a floor area of 240 m2 and consists of six research laboratories and laboratory infrastructure rooms. The BSL-3 facility has state-of-the-
Topics we work on | Research Areas at Swiss TPH (Page)
Research Areas Swiss TPH is committed to excellence in scientific research in diverse fields including parasitology, infection biology, epidemiology, public health, health systems and economics. We st