COVID-19: Have we learned anything from previous lessons? (Page)
History as tragedy and drama According to Karl Marx, world-historical events always happen twice. Once as a tragedy, the other time as a farce. ("18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon"). The global COVID-19
FAQ (Page)
Häufige Fragen zur SOPHYA-Studie 1. Um was geht es in dieser Studie? Sport und Bewegung leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsförderung und Entwicklung im Kindes und Jugendalter. Um Massnahme
Student Spotlight: Maryam Tavakkoli (Page)
Maryam, tell us a bit about your research at Swiss TPH I started my PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at Swiss TPH in 2018. My research is focused on road traffic crash data systems in low- and mi
The Global Population Structure of the MTBC (Page)
The Global Population Structure of the MTBC Animal-adapted and extinct MTBC Lineages In addition to the seven human-adapted lineages, the MTBC also includes several lineages adapted to different wild
The Evolution and Ecology of Drug-Resistant MTBC (Page)
Evolution and Ecology of Drug-resistant MTBC Fitness Effect of Drug Resistance We use a combination of experimental evolution, molecular epidemiology, comparative genome sequencing of clinical strains
Genomic Epidemiology of TB (Page)
Genomic Epidemiology of TB Revisiting a TB Outbreak in Bern We recently revisited a TB outbreak that occurred in the early 1990s in Bern, Switzerland. Combining high-throughput SNP-typing with targete
Clinical Statistics and Data Management | Swiss TPH (Page)
Clinical Statistics and Data Management | Group The focus of the Clinical Statistics and Data Management (CSDM) group is on research, education and services in the field of clinical research. We are i
Global Diversity of Mtb (Page)
Global diversity of M. Tuberculosis Figure 1: Global diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Main lineages of Mtb are associated with different parts of the world (adapted from Gagneux et al. P
Evolution and Ecology of Drug Resistance (Page)
Evolution and Ecology of Drug Resistance Figure 1: Relative transmission of drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis compared to drug-susceptible strains (adapted from Borrell et al. IJTLD 2009). Wha
Many zoonoses are being forgotten in the wake of corona (Page)
UNI NOVA: Jakob Zinsstag, let's start by talking about monkeypox, the infectious disease that is slowly but steadily spreading across the world. There has been a lot of discussion about the name. Why