Linking air pollution exposure models with health: the challenge of choices (Projects)
Authorities are faced with important challenges in evaluating the health relevance of air quality and its trends. First, advancements in exposure and modelling sciences result in the abundance of spat
Reinforcement of the regional epidemiological surveillance network of the Indian Ocean Commission (Projects)
Conseil Santé (France) and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute – Swiss TPH (Switzerland) provide a range of services related to the “Assistance to the project leader of the project strength
Moxidectin for Strongyloidiasis (Projects)
Strongyloides stercoralis belongs to the soil-transmitted helminths and is the most neglected helminth infection among the neglected tropical diseases. It occurs almost worldwide and may result in lon
Mathematical modelling to examine disease, control measures, vaccine interactions and resistance to guide public health and disease elimination... (Projects)
Mathematical models are increasingly important to understand new and existing diseases and for planning how we tackle these diseases. Models with enough detail of how a disease interacts with the body
PATH Malaria Vaccine Modelling (Projects)
RTS,S/AS01 (RTS,S) is the world’s first malaria vaccine shown to provide partial protection against malaria in young children. In October 2021, WHO recommended widespread use of RTS,S among children i
Impementation and scaling up of a digital Clinical Decision Support System / ICRC Nigeria (Projects)
Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest mortality for children under five years of age. Due to the violent conflict in the northern part of the country and scarce medical resources, mortality
Population genomic and phenotypic determinants of host tropism in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex affecting livestock and humans (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) in humans and animals remains a public health emergency and a global economic problem. TB causes more human deaths than any other infectious disease, and TB in livestock leads to a g
Customize and setup the modular version of openIMIS for Health Insurance Board requirements (Projects)
This initiative aims to assist the Nepal Health Insurance Board (NHIB) in upgrading its legacy openIMIS to a full modular architecture, to develop new features on top of existing openIMIS modules, and
Basel vaccine research and development initiative (Projects)
The proposed projects aim at improving childhood health in the tropics by addressing current needs in vaccines research and development. First targets will be malaria and Buruli ulcer, two infectious