Thematic r4d Project Awarded to Swiss TPH (News)
Natural resource extraction projects, such as mining and petroleum development, have considerable potential to positively act on health systems and people's wellbeing in areas where they are implement
How to solve the crisis of science (News)
Marcel Tanner says that one problem for science is the increasing competition for funding, journal covers and recognition. This trend leads to missing the point of good science altogether, placing the
Wettbewerb für neues Gebäude des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health-Instituts in Allschwil entschieden (News)
Der Architekturwettbewerb für den Neubau des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public-Health Instituts (Swiss TPH) am neuen Standort im BaseLink-Areal im Gebiet Bachgraben in Allschwil ist entschieden: Die
Malaria Trends in DRC (News)
Analysing routine data from health facilities in 90 sites across the country, the study observed a sharp increase of confirmed malaria cases after the introduction of rapid diagnostic tests which dete
Swiss TPH Evaluation Approved by UNFPA (News)
The evaluation report concludes that UNFPA has significantly increased its priority, policy and programmatic focus of its support to adolescents and youth. Recommendations include further strategic po
Expansion of the successful complementary supply system to Shinyanga and Morogoro region in Tanzania- filling the medicines gap with a Prime Vendor... (News)
Health facilities in Tanzania depend on the Medical Stores Department (MSD) for their medicines supply. Due to performance challenges at the MSD, availability of medicines in the health facilities in
New chemical compound shows promising results against drug-resistant malaria parasites (News)
Treating malaria is a global challenge. Resistance against artemisinin-based combination therapies has recently been detected in Southeast Asia, threatening the impact of standard therapies on malaria
Chinese Drug Tribendimidine a Promising Drug Candidate Against Liver Fluke (News)
8 million people worldwide suffer from a helminth infection caused by the nematode Opisthorchis viverrini , many of them in Lao PDR and Thailand. Eating raw or undercooked fish, the parasites enter th
Günther Fink is the new Eckenstein-Geigy Professor for Epidemiology and Household Economy (News)
The new chair at the Faculty of Science will receive 14 million Swiss francs from the Foundation over a period of ten years and will be based at Swiss TPH, an associate institute of the University of
DNA sequencing to identify causes of acute fever in Africa (News)
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grants 2.5 million USD to Swiss scientists to strengthen the surveillance of acute febrile illnesses in Africa by using high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques al