Malawi Malaria Indicator Survey Quality Assurance Services (Projects)
Malaria indicator surveys are an important source of data on disease burden (parasite prevalence, fever prevalence, etc), and coverage of malaria prevention and case management interventions, particul
Monitoring Review Burundi (Projects)
Monitor the implementation of the Grant Management Requirements (GMRs) as well as any relevant audit recommendations. Monitor the financial performance of the grant: Verify that financial records are
Swiss Support to Healthcare Provision in Romania (News)
The public health system in Romania faces major challenges, despite considerable progress in recent years. The infant mortality rate remains the highest in the European Union (EU), and life expectancy
Introducing the SDGs into Peer-Reviewed Literature (News)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a compass to transform our world into a better and more equitable place. Organisations from all over the world, including the public an
Research & Development for Parasitic Worm Infections Lags Behind (News)
Professor Keiser, we understand that you are in Lao People’s Democratic Republic right now – can you tell us what you are working on? Together with colleagues from the Lao Tropical and Public Health I
We Simply Cannot Miss out on 50% of the Talent Worldwide (News)
Professor Probst-Hensch, why is it important that we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science? The world is facing challenges that require scientific answers: just think about cli
Exposome Research to Improve People’s Health in Urban Settings (News)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases cause more than half of all deaths across Europe. Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of death and disability and account
Nachruf: Prof. Dr. Hermann Hecker (1. Oktober 1939 - 6. April 2020) (News)
Bereits 1964 führte Rudolf Geigy die Elektronenmikroskopie am Schweizerischen Tropeninstitut ein, als erste universitäre Institution in Basel. Hermann Hecker nutzte diese moderne Technik, die ganz neu
Farewell to Flora Kessy (News)
Flora Kessy has moved mountains in her long and distinguished career to improve access to healthcare and the livelihood of women and communities across Tanzania. Her work has impacted on development,
Gebären zu Zeiten von Corona – das Krisenmanagement der Basler Hebammen (News)
Wie war es während der COVID-19-Welle im Frühjahr in der Region Basel zu gebären? Zu Beginn der Corona-Epidemie beschäftigte uns Hebammen die Frage, welche Gefahr eine COVID-19-Erkrankung in der Schwa