Papua New Guinea National Malaria Control Programme Evaluation and Operational Research 2021 to 2023 (Projects)
Papua New Guinea (PNG), a country of over 8 million people in the South Pacific, exhibits a complex malaria epidemiology with marked heterogeneity in malaria transmission. With financial support from
Technical Support to the National Social Protection Policy of the Gambia (Projects)
Conseil Santé (France), in association with SOFRECO (France) and the Swiss Tropical Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH, Switzerland), has been selected for this European Union funded project to provid
Norad Framework Agreement of Technical Support to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (Projects)
The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with a mandate to promote sound and effective management of development assis
Social Transfers for Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Pilot Program in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) (Projects)
Children in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) continue to receive sub-optimal nutrition because of low breastfeeding rates, undermining their developmental potential. While major public healt
A Buruli ulcer mycolactone rapid diagnostic test to enhance early diagnosis and treatment (Projects)
The current gold standard for the laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer) is a PCR-based assay. In the endemic African countries this assay is established only at a few c
Rapid Assessment of World Bank COVID-19 Multi-Phase Programmatic Approach (Projects)
The World Bank supports around 100 country responses to COVID-19 through loans and grants totalling over USD 6 billion. Funding is based either on the Multi-phase Programmatic Approach (MPA) model or
Claims categorization using Artificial Intelligence (Projects)
The goal of this project is to develop an automatic claims categorization module for openIMIS based on state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, standards, and methodologies which will
Women’s political EmPOwerment and Child Health (Projects)
Although increasing women’s representation in political decision-making has the potential to significantly improve child health and development in LMIC, existing evidence is almost exclusively observa
Manipulation of Human Immunity by Parasitic Worms (Projects)
Approximately ten percent of the world's population is at risk of schistosomiasis, a neglected, tropical disease caused by species of the helminth Schistosoma . For the past 40 years, control of schis
Preparing the Programme Support Rationale (PSR) for South Sudan (Projects)
The Republic of South Sudan (RSS) is a low-income country, still immersed in conflicts, with a fragile state and a complex web of stakeholders. Thus, provision of health services, including vaccinatio