Population genomic and phenotypic determinants of host tropism in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex affecting livestock and humans (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) in humans and animals remains a public health emergency and a global economic problem. TB causes more human deaths than any other infectious disease, and TB in livestock leads to a g
Brucellosis Prevention and Control Activities in Afar and Somali Regions of Ethiopia (Projects)
As part of a National Brucellosis surveillance program, funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in collaboration with the Federal Government of Ethiopia, Swiss TPH in partnership with the Arma
Campylobacteriosis over Christmas and New Year in European countries (Projects)
In Switzerland, campylobacteriosis cases reported to the National Notification System for Infectious Diseases (NNSID) peak over the summer months and during the festive season in winter. The peak duri
NCD-Peru - Understanding NCDs in the Peruvian Andes: Epidemiology, Perceptions and Health System (Projects)
By the end of the 20th century Peru entered in to an epidemic transition with mortality rates of infectious and maternal diseases declining and NCD’s emerging, changing national public health profile
SwissLEGIO - Legionnaires' diseases in Switzerland: Prestudies to develop health systems and epidemiologic research (Projects)
Legionella spp. are common environmental bacteria living in freshwater. They are also known to proliferate in artificial water reservoirs such as cooling towers or showerheads. Infection with the bact
Digital System for a Better Health Care Management of Refugees (Projects)
Click here for a brief summary of the project. Common health problems of refugees and displaced population groups in the Sahel region are infectious diseases, particularly respiratory infections, acut
Collaboration for innovation: Establishment of a pan-nematode drug development platform (Projects)
To target helminth elimination, a drug research and development (R&D) pipeline is needed to provide new chemotherapeutics that effectively eliminate or sterilize adult worms, thus bringing about the p
Novel Approaches to Improve Quality of Lymphatic Filariasis Interventions (Projects)
Introduction: The World Health Organization resolved to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (LF), a severely disfiguring and debilitating mosquito-borne infection, as a public health problem by the year 20
P-4 Swiss Learning Health System (Projects)
In learning health systems (LHS), the research agenda is collaboratively developed to be responsive to current health system needs and to facilitate the flow of information at levels of policy, resea
Beyond seasonal suffering: Effects of Pollen on Cardiorespiratory Health and Allergies (Projects)
As climate change increases the duration and intensity of the pollen season, allergies to airborne pollen are increasingly common in Europe. Yet, it is not well recognized that high pollen concentrati