Eine Tropenkrankheit in der Schweiz: Aufruf zu koordinierten Massnahmen gegen die Chagas-Krankheit (News)
Die Chagas-Krankheit, die durch den Parasiten Trypanosoma cruzi hervorgerufen wird, betrifft weltweit etwa 7 bis 8 Millionen Menschen, vorwiegend in Lateinamerika. Der Parasit kann durch Raubwanzen, ü
Tuberkulosestämme, die gegen neue Medikamente resistent sind, übertragen sich von Patient zu Patient (News)
Multiresistente Tuberkulose Jedes Jahr erkranken mehr als 10 Millionen Menschen an Tuberkulose (TB). Mit geschätzten 1,25 Millionen Todesfällen pro Jahr ist sie nach wie vor die häufigste Infektionskr
Financial Support Significantly Improves Breastfeeding Success in Lao PDR (News)
Exclusive breastfeeding provides vital nutrients that strengthen infants’ immune systems and support healthy growth. It also aids maternal recovery and reduces long-term health risks, including certai
New Digital Health Tool Improves Care for Children in Somalia (News)
Tackling Somalia's child health crisis Somalia has one of the world’s highest child mortality rates, driven by decades of conflict, drought, and a fragile healthcare system. Preventable diseases like
Nature wählt Swiss TPH-Forscherin Emma Hodcroft als eine von drei "People to Watch in 2025" (News)
Emma Hodcroft, Gruppenleiterin am Swiss TPH und Assistenzprofessorin an der Universität Basel, wurde von der renommierten Fachzeitschrift Nature als eine von drei Personen genannt, die man bei der Ges
ANTICOV: Clinical Trial for COVID-19 in Low-resource Settings to Test a New Drug Combination (News)
The ANTICOV trial, currently conducted in 13 African countries and soon expanding to additional countries in South Asia and Latin America, aims to identify COVID-19 treatments that are optimized for u
Violence against health care workers: understanding context through citizen science and measuring a de-escalation training intervention effectiveness... (Projects)
This study investigates the effectiveness of a tailored violence de-escalation training for health professionals in combination with a set of publicly displayed violence-prevention rules at the health
Healthy Life Project, Phase II: Reducing the Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Republic of Moldova (Projects)
Background Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Like many countries, the Republic of Moldova faces a growing NCD mortality and morbidity burden: more than half of
Monitoring Review - Sao Tome and Principe (Projects)
Following a Gavi Programme Capacity Assessment (PCA) performed in April 2016 by Swiss TPH covering Programme Management, Financial Management as well as Vaccines and Cold Chain Management (VCCM). Conc
Policy and Technology Assessment of National Health Insurance Information Systems (Projects)
There is a strong movement to apply digital technologies as a means of strengthening health systems and social protection delivery, in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) including innovations fo