Promoting platinum open access for low and middle income country scientists: A publication fee waiver program for two Swiss society journals (Projects)
The GLOBEQUITY platinum publishing fee waiver program provides scientists from low and middle income and from some countries in economic transition (LMIC+) with platinum open access (OA) 2022-2024 in
Transformation in Pesticide Governance (Projects)
To simultaneously achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda in areas such as Biodiversity Conservation, Food Production and Consumption, a fundamental transfo
Quantification of Health Impact of Air pollution in Switzerland (Projects)
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health impact assessment (HIA) as “a combination of procedures, methods and tools by which a policy, programme or project may be judged as to its potential
State of UHC Commitment (Projects)
In September 2019, world leaders endorsed universal health coverage (UHC), the most ambitious and comprehensive political declaration on health in history. By endorsing the declaration, they committed
Support to Health Sector Reform in the Aral Sea Region (Projects)
Swiss TPH and its local partner ISIDA Consulting Company are implementing a feasibility study on behalf of the KfW Development Bank and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan that focuse
Survive and Thrive Boa Vista Early Childhood Program (Projects)
Background : A growing body of evidence suggests that early life health and developmental outcomes can be improved through parental support programs. The objective of this project was to test the feas
Nutrition and Human Capital Development: An evidence review and modeling potential (Projects)
The proposed supplement would build upon the current work and further refine approaches to estimate the effect of scaling-up nutrition interventions on human capital outcomes. First, we plan to extend
LEAPS-NCHD Program Evaluation (Projects)
An estimated 88 million children drop out of primary school each year worldwide, and the highest number of dropouts are in the first and second grade. A proven strategy to reduce dropout from primary
New tools for early diagnosis and decentralized treatment of Buruli ulcer (Projects)
Mycobacterium ulcerans is causing the chronic skin disease Buruli ulcer (BU) which is characterized by skin ulcers that expand over extended periods, if not treated. The major burden of BU falls on ch
Longitudinal tracking of B cell and functional antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses in Africa (Projects)
Background and Rationale: In contrast to soaring COVID-19 case numbers during pandemic waves in the Americas and Europe, large parts of Africa have reported relatively low numbers of SARS-CoV-2 infect