Blockchain high coverage rabies post-exposure prophylaxis to achieve zero human rabies deaths in Africa (Projects)
Dog mediated rabies still kills more than 60’000 people every year. This indicates a significant failure of current health systems in developing countries, with very poor access of exposed patients to
Effects of airborne pollen on cardiorespiratory health and allergic symptoms (Projects)
Airborne pollen allergies are increasing across Europe, and are a major health issue for 20% of the Swiss population. At the same time, the duration and intensity of the pollen season are changing due
Prospective Multicentre Clinical Trial for the Evaluation of the Accuracy and Diagnostic Yield of the Fujifilm LAM TB Test for the Diagnosis of... (Projects)
New, rapid, non-sputum-based point-of-care (POC) diagnostic solutions to detect TB are urgently needed. This is a prospective, multicentre cohort study (Sponsor: FIND) in which the accuracy and the di
Community-based tuberculosis triage testing after symptom screening in hard-to-reach African populations: CAD4TB versus C-reactive protein (Projects)
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a poverty-related disease which particularly affects vulnerable and underserved populations. Community-based TB triage testing as an integral part of multi-disease hea
Study on Examining the Experience of the Country with the Main Voluntary Affiliation and Not for Profit Health Insurance Mechanisms in DRC (Projects)
While several reforms are under way in the social welfare and health sector, including the development of social protection and health financing strategies, laws on mutual insurance, universal health
MMC elimination costing (Projects)
The project will generate evidence on the trade-offs between cost and effectiveness of malaria elimination interventions. This includes surveillance and a range of targeted and focal malaria eliminati
Mapping Study on Influenza Prevention Measures (Projects)
Background The mapping study is being conducted as part of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Seasonal Influenza (GRIPS) 2015-2018. The target groups of the influenza prevention measures are
Regional Programme "Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention in the ECOWAS Region", Phase IV-PRSR Phase IV (Projects)
The West African Health Organisation (WAHO) is a Specialized Institution of the ECOWAS responsible for health issues whose mission is to attain the highest possible standard and protection of health f
Backstopping Mandate Health Focal Point, Health Network and Global Health, Phase XIX (Projects)
The objective of the backstopping mandate (BSM)is to support SDC‘s core competence in health and provide advisory services to SDC‘s Global Programme Health (GPH), its Health Focal Points, and to the m
Great Lakes Health Program in Rwanda_Phasing out (Projects)
Background The prevalence of chronic malnutrition (i.e. stunting) among children under five in Rwanda is very high; stunting rates across the country average 38% for children under five and exceed 50%