Climate Change Weakens Respiratory Health Benefits of Clean Air and Greenspaces (News)
The research of Swiss TPH and partners explored the associations of long-term exposure to air pollution, greenspaces, and temperature with lung function in children and adults. Drawing on data from mo
EMBO Fellowship for Researcher at Swiss TPH (News)
Since joining Swiss TPH last year, Daniel Ballmer has focused his research on the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum , in particular the molecular mechanisms that drive gametocyte formation - a cr
Zwei neue Mitglieder im Kuratorium des Swiss TPH (News)
«Wir heissen Barbara Wieland und Jacques Fellay, zwei national und international anerkannte Experten, im Kuratorium des Swiss TPH herzlich willkommen», sagt Jürg Utzinger, Direktor des Swiss TPH. «Ihr
Treating Schistosomiasis in Pre-School Children (News)
When left untreated, schistosomiasis can lead to anaemia, stunted growth, severe damage of organs, and - at worst - death. In total, about 258 million people are infected globally, of which about 10%
How Gold Mining Affects the Spread of Malaria (News)
Mining areas account for most malaria cases in the Guiana Shield – an area which covers Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and parts of Brazil and Venezuela. As mining expands, it drives migration and c
Eine Tropenkrankheit in der Schweiz: Aufruf zu koordinierten Massnahmen gegen die Chagas-Krankheit (News)
Die Chagas-Krankheit, die durch den Parasiten Trypanosoma cruzi hervorgerufen wird, betrifft weltweit etwa 7 bis 8 Millionen Menschen, vorwiegend in Lateinamerika. Der Parasit kann durch Raubwanzen, ü
Tuberkulosestämme, die gegen neue Medikamente resistent sind, übertragen sich von Patient zu Patient (News)
Multiresistente Tuberkulose Jedes Jahr erkranken mehr als 10 Millionen Menschen an Tuberkulose (TB). Mit geschätzten 1,25 Millionen Todesfällen pro Jahr ist sie nach wie vor die häufigste Infektionskr
Financial Support Significantly Improves Breastfeeding Success in Lao PDR (News)
Exclusive breastfeeding provides vital nutrients that strengthen infants’ immune systems and support healthy growth. It also aids maternal recovery and reduces long-term health risks, including certai
New Digital Health Tool Improves Care for Children in Somalia (News)
Tackling Somalia's child health crisis Somalia has one of the world’s highest child mortality rates, driven by decades of conflict, drought, and a fragile healthcare system. Preventable diseases like
Integrated Care Conference in Kosovo (News)
The conference, chaired by Manfred Zahorka, Head of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Unit at Swiss TPH, discussed the concepts of integrated and people-centred care with national and local stakehold