Mathias Kronig neuer Verwaltungsdirektor am Swiss TPH (News)
Am 25. Mai 2021 wählte das Kuratorium des Swiss TPH Mathias Kronig einstimmig zum neuen Verwaltungsdirektor des Swiss TPH. In dieser Funktion übernimmt Kronig als Teil der Institutsleitungskonferenz d
Gefängnisse beschleunigen die Ausbreitung von multiresistenter Tuberkulose in Georgien (News)
Der Erreger der Tuberkulose (TB), das « Mycobacterium tuberculosis» ist ein Verwandlungskünstler. Um die Wirkung von Antibiotika zu umgehen, ändert er seine biologischen Eigenschaften und entwickelt s
New Findings about Diagnostic Tools for Malaria Elimination (News)
Malaria often causes symptoms such as fever, chills, and flu-like illness and when left untreated can lead to death. However, in areas where malaria is common, some people are infected and can transmi
Die Seroprävalenz in der Region Basel ist auf 21% gestiegen (News)
Die COVCO-Basel Studie untersucht als Teil des schweizweiten Forschungsprogrammes «Corona Immunitas» die Ausbreitung von SARS-CoV-2 in der Bevölkerung. Darüber hinaus analysiert COVCO-Basel die Auswir
Nachruf: Dr. Reinhard Glück (News)
Reinhard Glück war ein visionärer Virologe und Forscher, der nicht nur unermüdlich mit grossem Enthusiasmus neue wissenschaftliche Ideen konzipiert und verfolgt hat, sondern auch in der Lage war, dies
Jeunes3 Programme Comes to a Close (News)
Globally, adolescent and young people are in need of urgent support to safeguard their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in view of high rates of new HIV infections among this target gr
New Modelling Project Launched to Support National Malaria Control Programmes (News)
Great achievements have been made in the fight against malaria, saving more than eight million lives and preventing over one-and-a-half billion malaria cases. However, one billion people still live at
EUR 2.47 Million Grant Awarded to Swiss TPH for Helminth Research (News)
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are among the most common infections worldwide and affect an estimated 1.5 billion people, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Intestinal worms
Promising Treatment Alternative Against Parasitic Worm Infection (News)
Infections with the soil-transmitted helminth Strongyloides stercoralis are a considerable global burden. Up to 370 million people are infected worldwide, with the highest infection rates in warm regi
Clinical Trial of Multi Drug-Resistant TB Treatment Ends Enrolment Early, Offering Hope for TB Patients (News)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a globally spread disease which is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis . The current standard of care consists of a combination therapy of different antibiotics. How