Günther Fink als Eckenstein-Geigy Professor gewählt (News)
hDie neue Professur an der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät wird von der Eckenstein-Geigy-Stiftung mit insgesamt 14 Millionen Franken während zehn Jahren gefördert. Sie ist am Swiss TPH
Reducing Childhood Diarrhoea by Integrated Home-Based Interventions (News)
A combination of better indoor air, clean drinking water and improved hygiene in Peruvian households reduces the prevalence of childhood diarrhoea by 29% according to a community randomised trial cond
The R. Geigy Foundation Honours Efforts to Overcome
Neglected Tropical Diseases (News)
More than a billion people worldwide are exposed to infections with hookworms, whipworms or flukes. These infections cause diarrhoea, fever, liver disease or anaemia and constitute a considerable heal
Malaria Photo and Video Contest (News)
We are looking for powerful images within three thematic categories that tell stories about malaria control and how malaria engagement contributes to the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainab
Tuberculosis bacteria find their ecological niche (News)
Tuberculosis (TB) has been a feared companion of humankind since prehistory. Various TB bacterial strains exist globally, with different geographical spread. Only the so-called Lineage 4 occurs on all
First International Environmental Health Conference in Iran (News)
The 19 th National and 1 st international Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Conference was held in Tehran, Iran from 22-24 October 2016. Organised by the Iranian Association of Environm
ZikaPLAN: 25 Organizations Build Long-term Outbreak Response Capacity (News)
This global initiative, created in response to a Horizon 2020 funding call by the European Commission’s Directorate-General Research and Innovation, has been formed to address the Zika virus outbreak
Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis Advisory Committee Convenes at Swiss TPH (News)
Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) are parasitic worms that affect more than a billion people worldwide. In 2006, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) established Children Without Worms to provide technical and ope
Combating Malaria with Odour-Baited Traps for Mosquitoes (News)
A newly-developed mosquito trap outsmart malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. It attracts the insects by emitting a natural lure – namely human odour - composed of lactic acid and other substances transpi
Gastrointestinal illnesses cost the Swiss health care sector up to EUR 45 million per year (News)
Acute diarrhoea entails annual health care costs of EUR 29 to 45 million in Switzerland. Thereof, around a quarter is due to infections of the diarrhoea-causing pathogen Campylobacter. This was reveal