154 Million Deaths Averted: Contribution of Vaccination over the Past 50 Years (News)
In 1974, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), motivated by the progress made thanks to vaccination in eradicating smallpox. Now, 50 years later, W
CALINA Study Shows Positive Efficacy and Safety Data for a Novel Treatment for Small Babies (News)
Malaria exerts a massive burden on public health across the world, particularly in Africa. Huge strides have been made in recent decades in the treatment of malaria. However, to date, little data has
Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024 (News)
In the last few years, efforts to curb malaria have unfortunately been stalling. In 2022, over 600,000 people died from malaria, primarily children under the age of 5 in sub-Saharan Africa. People liv
Neue Entdeckung enthüllt Mechanismus der Malariainvasion (News)
Mit 249 Millionen Malariafällen und 608.000 Todesfällen im Jahr 2022 bleibt Malaria eine ungelöste globale Gesundheitsbedrohung. Der Malariaparasit Plasmodium falciparum ist die Hauptursache der schwe
Parasitic Worms and Liver Disease in Rural Laos (News)
Shedding light on the SLD prevalence Steatotic Liver Disease (SLD), also known as fatty liver disease, is a condition characterised by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. SLD normally does not
Integrated Care Conference in Kosovo (News)
The conference, chaired by Manfred Zahorka, Head of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Unit at Swiss TPH, discussed the concepts of integrated and people-centred care with national and local stakehold
Die Pollensaison beginnt wegen dem Klimawandel früher und wird intensiver (News)
Blütenpollen von Bäumen, Gräsern und Kräutern verursachen Jahr für Jahr bei etwa einem Fünftel der Schweizer Bevölkerung saisonale Allergien. Eine wissenschaftliche Studie zeigte nun, dass sich die Po
Vom Feld zur Familie: Neue Schweizer Partnerschaft will Ernährung in Städten verbessern (News)
Die Welt steht vor einer schweren Mangelernährungskrise, deren Auswirkungen sich durch die schnelle Urbanisierung von der Land- auf die Stadtbevölkerung verlagern. Um die Ernährung in Städten in Bangl
Swiss TPH Symposium: Improving Access to Healthcare in LMICs (News)
There are manifold challenges which can hinder access to medicines. They range all the way from limited funding for research on neglected diseases, complexity in drug development in resource-limited s
Health for All Project - Improving Population Health in Albania (News)
Swiss TPH has been actively involved in Albania since 2014. The current activities primarily focus on improving population health through the Health for All Project (HAP), a project funded by the Swis