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<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> <em>var</em> gene expression dynamics and its relevance in malaria disease in children from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Novel approaches to evaluate the impact of the SAFE strategy on trachoma and other neglected tropical diseases in Amhara National Regional State,... (Publications)
Biological and pharmacological investigations of novel diamidines in animal models of human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
Malaria control strategies in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
Intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy and antenatal care in practice: a study from the Kilombero valley, Tanzania (Publications)
Molecular epidemiology of meningococcal disease in Northern Ghana (Publications)
Das Zentralnervensystem von Ornithodorus moubata (Murray), Ixodoidea: Argasidae, und seine postembryonale Entwicklung (Publications)
Analysing cluster randomized trials with count data by Frequentist and Bayesian methods the BoliviaWET trial: assessing the effect of SODIS on... (Publications)
Options and considerations for maintaining universal coverage and use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
Health complaints related to low-dose environmental exposures: analysis and evaluation of an interdisciplinary environmental medicine pilot project in... (Publications)