Evidence-based interventions to reduce mortality among preterm and low-birthweight neonates in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is the leading cause of under-five-mortality worldwide, with the highest burden in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). The aim of this study was to synthesise evi
Association of incomplete adherence to antiretroviral therapy with cardiovascular events and mortality in virologically suppressed persons with HIV:... (Publications)
Background: Incomplete antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, even if sufficient to maintain viral suppression, is associated with enhanced inflammation in persons with HIV (PWH). However, its clinic
Predicting the impact of COVID-19 interruptions on transmission of <em>gambiense </em>human African trypanosomiasis in two health zones of the... (Publications)
Many control programmes against neglected tropical diseases have been interrupted due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, including those that rely on active case finding. In this stu
Extensive drug resistance during low-level HIV viraemia while taking NNRTI-based ART supports lowering the viral load threshold for regimen switch in... (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: WHO guidelines on ART define the HIV-1 viral load (VL) threshold for treatment failure at 1000 copies/mL. The Switch Either near Suppression Or THOusand (SESOTHO) trial, conducted in Lesot
Hitzebedingte Sterblichkeit im Sommer 2019 (Publications)
Der Sommer 2019 gilt als drittheissester Sommer seit Messbeginn in der Schweiz. Zwei intensive Hitzewellen mit einer mittleren Maximaltemperatur von 32–34°C prägten die Monate Juni und Juli 2019. Inwi
Phylogenomics of <em>Mycobacterium africanum</em> reveals a new lineage and a complex evolutionary history (Publications)
Human tuberculosis (TB) is caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). The MTBC comprises several human-adapted lineages known as M. tuberculosis sensu stricto, as well as two
Assessment of fecal calprotectin and fecal occult blood as point-of-care markers for soil-transmitted helminth attributable intestinal morbidity in a... (Publications)
Background: Infections with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) may result in chronic inflammatory disorders affecting the human host. The objective of this study was to evaluate Fecal Calprotectin (FC)
Initial characterisation of commercially available ELISA tests and the immune response of the clinically correlated SARS-CoV-2 biobank... (Publications)
Background To accurately measure seroprevalance in the population, both the expected immune response as well as the assay performances have to be well characterised. Here, we describe the collection a
An interdisciplinary centre of excellence for pastoralists in the Horn of Africa (Publications)
The specific needs of nomadic pastoralist communities are often not considered in public services. This is also the case in the health sector. In Ethiopia, Swiss Development Cooperation is supporting