Ernährungsinhalte in Basler und Berner Primarschulbüchern (Publications)
Since nutrition education is a topic to be introduced into primary teaching this study examines the contents of primary school books of the cantons of Basle and Berne regarding this matter. Direct nut
Performance of the Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF assay in an active case-finding strategy: a pilot study from Tanzania [Short communication] (Publications)
In this pilot study, we evaluated the Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF assay in an active case-finding strategy, using two spot sputum samples collected within a 1-hour interval from household contacts of smear-pos
In vitro antiprotozoal activity of extracts of five Turkish Lamiaceae species (Publications)
The in vitro antiprotozoal activities of crude methanolic extracts from the aerial parts of five Lamiaceae plants (Salvia tomentosa, S. sclarea, S. dichroantha, Nepeta nuda subsp. nuda and Marrubium a