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The impact of soil transmitted helminth on malaria clinical presentation and treatment outcome: a case control study among children in Bagamoyo... (Publications)
Stage-specific reporter gene expression in<em> Trypanosoma cruzi</em> (Publications)
Gesundsein in der Migration (Publications)
Stress mit der Gesundheit: Gesundsein in der Migration zwischen gesellschaftlich verlangter und verunmöglichter Gesundheit (Publications)
Religion, eine Gesundheitsressource in der Migration? (Publications)
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated with dermatophytoses in two HIV-1 positive patients in rural Tanzania (Publications)
Health of Syrian refugees role of brucellosis in febrile diseases among the refugee population (Publications)
Extended spectrum beta lactam resistance among gram negative bacterial isolates from wounds of patients attending a Ghanaian Hospital (Publications)
Praziquantel dose-finding and pharmacokinetic studies in school-and preschool-aged children infected with S-mansoni (Publications)
Assessment of bacterial burden of Buruli ulcer (BU) lesions: a call for clear guidelines on wound care module for BU case management (Publications)