DNA methylation in inflammatory pathways modifies the association between BMI and adult-onset non-atopic asthma (Publications)
A high body mass (BMI) index has repeatedly been associated with non-atopic asthma, but the biological mechanism linking obesity to asthma is still poorly understood. We aimed to test the hypothesis t
Anilinoquinoline based inhibitors of trypanosomatid proliferation (Publications)
We recently reported the medicinal chemistry re-optimization of a series of compounds derived from the human tyrosine kinase inhibitor, lapatinib, for activity against Plasmodium falciparum. From this
Fetal growth, stillbirth, infant mortality and other birth outcomes near UK municipal waste incinerators; retrospective population based cohort and... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Some studies have reported associations between municipal waste incinerator (MWI) exposures and adverse birth outcomes but there are few studies of modern MWIs operating to current Europea
Health effects of ultrafine particles: a systematic literature review update of epidemiological evidence (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Due to their small size, ultrafine particles (UFP) are believed to exert higher toxicity than larger particles. As numerous studies on health effects of UFP have been published since the l
Laboratory findings, compassionate use of favipiravir, and outcome in patients with Ebola virus disease, Guinea, 2015 - a retrospective observational... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In 2015, the laboratory at the Ebola treatment center in Coyah, Guinea, confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD) in 286 patients. Cycle threshold (Ct) in the Ebola virus RT-PCR and 13 blood che
Reaching for the low hanging fruits: One health benefits of joint crop-livestock services for small-scale farmers (Publications)
The benefits of joint health service delivery remain under-explored in One Health. Plant clinics are known to provide ad hoc, undocumented advice on animal health and production to farmers. To underst