Evaluation des Aktionstages "Basel bewegt - fit und gesund unterwegs" vom 22. September 2004 (Publications)
Das Projekt ‚Basel bewegt, fit und gesund unterwegs’ leistete einen Beitrag zum europäischen Aktionstag ‚In die Stadt ohne mein Auto’. Die Stadt Basel beteiligte sich bereits zum fünften Mal daran. Di
Inhaled glucocorticoids during pregnancy and offspring pediatric diseases: a national cohort study (Publications)
RATIONALE: Glucocorticoid inhalation is the preferred asthma treatment during pregnancy. Previous studies on its safety focused on obstetric outcomes and offspring malformations. OBJECTIVE: To determi
2-Hexadecynoic acid inhibits plasmodial FAS-II enzymes and arrests erythrocytic and liver stage <em>Plasmodium</em> infections (Publications)
Acetylenic fatty acids are known to display several biological activities, but their antimalarial activity has remained unexplored. In this study, we synthesized the 2-, 5-, 6-, and 9-hexadecynoic aci
Conquering schistosomiasis in China: the long march (Publications)
The last half-century of schistosomiasis control activities in China have brought down the overall prevalence of human infection with Schistosoma japonicum to less than 10% of the level initially docu
Simple anamnestic questions and recalled water-contact patterns for self-diagnosis of <em>Schistosoma mansoni </em>infection among schoolchildren in... (Publications)
A study to determine the diagnostic performance of simple anamnestic questions and recalled water-contact patterns for self-diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection was carried out in western C te d