Measuring in-cabin school bus tailpipe and crankcase PM2.5: a new dual tracer method (Publications)
closed (1.4 and 12 microg/m3, respectively) as compared with open (0.44 and 1.3 microg/m3, respectively). For comparison, average closed- and open-window in-cabin total PM2.5 concentrations were 26 and 12
Characterization of the Ca2+-gated and voltage-dependent k+-channel slo-1 of nematodes and its interaction with emodepside (Publications)
in the absence of experimentally increased intracellular Ca2+, suggesting that emodepside directly opens C. elegans Slo-1a. Emodepside wash-out did not reverse the effect and the Slo-1 inhibitor verruculogen [...] properties among species. Most importantly, this study showed for the first time that emodepside directly opens a Slo-1 channel, significantly improving the understanding of the mode of action of this drug class
Measuring in-cabin school bus tailpipe and crankcase PM2.5: a new dual tracer method (Publications)
closed (1.4 and 12 microg/m3, respectively) as compared with open (0.44 and 1.3 microg/m3, respectively). For comparison, average closed- and open-window in-cabin total PM2.5 concentrations were 26 and 12
Characterization of the Ca2+-gated and voltage-dependent k+-channel slo-1 of nematodes and its interaction with emodepside (Publications)
in the absence of experimentally increased intracellular Ca2+, suggesting that emodepside directly opens C. elegans Slo-1a. Emodepside wash-out did not reverse the effect and the Slo-1 inhibitor verruculogen [...] properties among species. Most importantly, this study showed for the first time that emodepside directly opens a Slo-1 channel, significantly improving the understanding of the mode of action of this drug class
Access to, and use of, water by populations living in a schistosomiasis and fascioliasis co-endemic area of northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
using only improved water for all activities came in contact with unimproved water through crossing open water when going to their workplace, school or other destinations. Self-reported blood in urine - [...] supply at the workplace needs to be considered as well next to the water supply at home. Crossing of open water sources is an important risk factor for sustained transmission of schistosomiasis.
Efficacy and safety of a single-dose mebendazole 500 mg chewable, rapidly-disintegrating tablet for <em>Ascaris lumbricoides</em> and <em>Trichuris... (Publications)
a double-blind treatment phase (DBP, 19 days), and an open-label phase (OLP, 7 days). Patients received MBZ or placebo on day 1 of DBP and open-label MBZ on day 19 +/- 2 after stool sample collection
Using model-based evidence to optimise medical intervention profiles and disease management strategies for COVID-19 control (Projects)
Disease Modelling Unit has developed a new individual-based mathematical model of SARS-CoV-2 dynamics, OpenCOVID, to assess the impact of a range of prevention measures, vaccines, and medical interventions [...] the response and minimise cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in Switzerland and abroad. Our model OpenCOVID has been applied to support Swiss decision-making on vaccine rollouts and measures, as well as
Nature wählt Swiss TPH-Forscherin Emma Hodcroft als eine von drei "People to Watch in 2025" (News)
Wissenschaft im Jahr 2025 im Auge behalten sollte . Sie ist Mitbegründerin von Pathoplexus, einem Open-Source-Hub für den Austausch von Genomen viraler Krankheitserreger. Hodcroft wurde neben Mark Thomson [...] Partnerschaft mit grosser Wirkung in der globalen Gesundheit." Pathoplexus ist eine gemeinschaftsbasierte Open-Source-Datenbank für den Austausch von Genomdaten viraler Krankheitserreger, die Fairness, Transparenz
LUDOK - Dokumentationsstelle Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit (Page)
LUDOK - Dokumentationsstelle Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit Die Dokumentationsstelle LUDOK sammelt und katalogisiert seit 1985 die weltweit publizierte Literatur zum Thema Luft und Gesundheit im Auf
Malaria Modelling Resource Centre (Page)
and to respond to specific requests for advice. The Resource Centre is built around the use of the OpenMalaria modelling platform. An introduction to the use of malaria models is presented as part of the