Modeling indoor air pollution of outdoor origin in homes of SAPALDIA subjects in Switzerland (Publications)
indoors were between 30% and 66%, the highest one was observed for PMabsorbance. A modifying effect of open windows was found for NO2 and the ultrafine particle number concentration. Cooking was associated
Tuberculosis mortality and living conditions in Bern, Switzerland, 1856-1950 (Publications)
in 1856 to 33 per 100,000 in 1950, as housing conditions improved, indoor crowding decreased, and open-air schools, sanatoria, systematic tuberculin skin testing of school children and chest radiography
Isothermal microcalorimetry accurately detects bacteria, tumorous microtissues, and parasitic worms in a label-free well-plate assay (Publications)
monitored and corresponds to a diameter increase of the microtissues from ca 100 to 428mum. This opens new research avenues in cancer research, diagnostics and development of new antitumor drugs. For parasitic
From innovation to application: social-ecological context, diagnostics, drugs and integrated control of schistosomiasis (Publications)
in prevailing social-ecological systems, since transmission is governed by human behaviour (e.g. open defecation and patterns of unprotected surface water contacts) and ecological features (e.g. living
Line profile reconstruction: validation and comparison of reconstruction methods (Publications)
Currently, open path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers have been applied in some fenceline monitoring, but their use has been limited because path-integrated concentration measurements
Quantification of self pollution from two diesel school buses using three independent methods (Publications)
balance (CMB) methods. Each bus drove along a residential route simulating stops, with windows closed or open. Particulate matter (PM) and its constituents were monitored in the bus and from a LV. We collected
Evaluation of efficacy of community-based vs. institutional-based direct observed short-course treatment for the control of tuberculosis in Kilombero... (Publications)
and the burden on already stretched health facilities threatens to become unmanageable. We used an open cluster randomized controlled trial to compare community-based DOT (CBDOT) using a short-course drug
Transfigurations of health and the moral economy of medicine: subjectivities, materialities, values (Publications)
demands arise for anthropologists as novel, strongly politicised and morally loaded fields of research open up; and how we can respond to the challenges of doing research in the capital-intensive fields of
A randomized, double-blind placebo-control study assessing the protective efficacy of an odour-based 'push-pull' malaria vector control strategy in... (Publications)
a 'push' intervention (spatial repellent) using transfluthrin-treated fabric strips positioned at open eave gaps of houses; a 'pull' intervention placing an odour-baited mosquito trap at a 5 m distance
A validation of the religious and spiritual struggles scale among young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe: Mokken scale analysis and exploratory... (Publications)
people living with human immunodeficiency virus (YPLHIV) aged 14-24. METHODS: Data collection with an Open Data Kit (ODK) questionnaire with 804 respondents took place in 2021. The validation was performed