Short course amphotericin B in addition to sertraline and fluconazole for treatment of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in rural Tanzania (Publications)
activity against Cryptococcus and bi-directional synergy with fluconazole. METHODS: We conducted an open label clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of sertraline 400 mg/day and fluconazole 1200
Epidemiology and Viral Evolution | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
insights into the ever-evolving 'dance' between viruses and humans. Pathoplexus Pathoplexus is a new, open-source database dedicated to the efficient sharing of human viral pathogen genomic data, fostering [...] looking at factors like reinfection, waning immunity, and immune pressure on viral epitopes. Using an open-source resource on Nextstrain, the research will facilitate real-time tracking of NP-EV evolution
Swiss-Tanzanian Cooperation: Achieving Universal Health Coverage (News)
robust IT software known as Insurance Management Information System (IMIS). IMIS is a comprehensive, open-source system which can be tailored to a variety of low- and middle-income countries on their path [...] Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) are now working to bring IMIS to a global level through the openIMIS initiative, coordinated by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
New Modelling Project Launched to Support National Malaria Control Programmes (News)
is based on the development and application of malaria models, with a focus on the OpenMalaria modelling platform. OpenMalaria is a decision-making tool that was by developed by Swiss TPH to simulate dynamics
KvarQ: Targeted and direct variant calling in FastQ reads of bacterial genomes (Page)
ng (the latter adapted and modified from SpolPred). Software KvarQ is written in Python and C, is open-source and published under GNU GPLv3. Pre-compiled packages are available for Windows 7 or later,
Collaborating with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) providers when writing HPV vaccine review articles (Publications)
important to VH HCPs. Contrary to our initial expectations, and in an inclusive, respectful atmosphere of open dialogue, we were able to productively finalize our manuscripts. In the opinion of the CAM co-authors
Assessing the relationship between environmental factors and malaria vector breeding sites in Swaziland using multi-scale remotely sensed data (Publications)
with high spatial resolution has often resulted in analyses being conducted at coarse scales using open-source, archived remotely sensed data. In the present study, spatial prediction of potential breeding
Functional characterization and phenotypic monitoring of human hematopoietic stem cell expansion and differentiation of monocytes and macrophages by... (Publications)
e blood monocytes-derived from HSC-derived macrophages. To conclude, we propose that this method opens new avenues to distinguish the impact of human genetics on the dysregulated biological properties
<em>Trypanosoma cruzi</em> STIB980: a TcI strain for drug discovery and reverse genetics (Publications)
This resulted in a high-quality nuclear haplotype assembly of 28 Mb in 400 contigs, containing 10,043 open-reading frames with a median length of 1077 bp. We believe that T. cruzi STIB980 is a useful addition
Willingness to use a rapid diagnostic test for malaria in a rural area of central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
related to opinions were identified, using generalized linear mixed models. Qualitative data from open-ended questions complemented the quantitative analysis. RESULTS: Only 34 out of 100 patients who were