Vector Modelling - AnophelesModel R Package (Projects)
cal and vector control components of more complex models of malaria transmission dynamics such as OpenMalaria . Mosquito distribution and human behavior vary across geographical settings and influence
Fexinidazole (Page)
African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) Due to T.b. Gambiense: Pivotal, Non-inferiority, Multicentre, Randomised, Open-label Study Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness is caused by the protozoa Trypanosoma
World Tuberculosis Day 2021 (Page)
TB are missed or not reported, and may therefore not get the care they need. What are some of the open biological questions in tuberculosis? In addition to insufficient political will and inadequate funding
Leading House Africa | Swiss TPH (Page)
Program S-SAM - Swiss Sub-Saharan Africa Migration Network SARECO - Swiss-African Research Cooperation Open Calls We are pleased to announce that the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Diagnostik-Zentrum | Expertise für parasitäre Krankheiten am Swiss TPH (Page)
Diagnostik-Zentrum Wichtige Kundeninformation Abschaffung Malaria Pikettdienst am Abend, Wochenende und Feiertagen! Das Diagnostik-Zentrum wird ab dem 01.03.2025 keinen Malaria-Mikroskopie Notfalldien
Influence of private finance on global health initiatives and development goals in resource-constrained countries (Projects)
discussion papers, peer-reviewed publications, and a sounding board zenith meeting as a forum for open discussion.
SOPHYA - Swiss children's Objectively measured PHYsical Activity (Projects)
regarding physical activity have to be identified. The SOPHYA cross-sectional study addresses these open questions by measuring physical activity during seven days in a representative sample of 2000 children
Aktivitäten (Page)
Preis ist heiss: Was kostet Gesundheit?** We Care: Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit am Swiss TPH Unsere Open House-Sponsoren Bazar: Schönes aus aller Welt 4. Stock Café Global: R. Geigy-Stiftung Arbeiten am
Global health essentials (Publications)
Development Goals (SDG) 2030 agenda. Subdivided into 11 parts, devoted each to a macro-topic, the book opens with an introduction to Global Health followed by an overview of the global burden of disease – from
SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in children and adolescents with COVID-19: a systematic review (Publications)
long-term consequences following a VOC infection. DESIGN: Systematic review. DATA SOURCES: The COVID-19 Open Access Project database was searched up to 1 March 2022 and PubMed was searched up to 9 May 2022.