Efficacy and safety of pafuramidine versus pentamidine maleate for treatment of first stage sleeping sickness in a randomized, comparator-controlled,... (Publications)
demonstrated efficacy comparable to pentamidine. METHODS: This was a Phase 3, multi-center, randomized, open-label, parallel-group, active control study where 273 male and female patients with first stage T
<em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em>: spatial distribution of a highly prevalent and ubiquitous soil-transmitted helminth in Cambodia (Publications)
age of 13 and women aged 50 years and over had lower odds of infection than their male counterparts. Open defecation was associated with higher odds of infection, while having some knowledge of the health
Caregiving can be costly: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to conducting kangaroo mother care in a US tertiary hospital neonatal... (Publications)
mothers of preterm infants (N = 20) at a large academic medical center in Massachusetts. A series of open-ended interview questions were designed to elicit all aspects of mothers' experiences and to understand
Modeling the cost effectiveness of malaria control interventions in the highlands of western Kenya (Publications)
malaria control strategies can assist the decision-making process for prioritizing interventions. The OpenMalaria stochastic simulation modeling platform can be applied to simulate the impact of interventions
Evaluation of the safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria candidate vaccine when integrated in the expanded program of immunization (Publications)
African infants through the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI). METHODS: This phase 2, randomized, open, controlled trial conducted in Ghana, Tanzania, and Gabon evaluated the safety and immunogenicity
Child health and infection with low density (CHILD) malaria: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the long-term health and... (Publications)
detecting and treating LMI in a low transmission setting. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The study is a 3-arm open-label individually randomised controlled trial enrolling 600 children aged 6 months to 10 years in
ePOCT+ and the medAL-<em>suite</em>: development of an electronic clinical decision support algorithm and digital platform for pediatric outpatients... (Publications)
framework used for developing ePOCT+ will help support the development of other CDSAs, and that the open-source medAL-suite will enable others to easily and independently implement them. Further clinical
Environmental, Social, Economic and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) for a Field Study of a Self-Limiting Nondrive Strain of Genetically Modified... (Projects)
three-phased approach in this 170-million project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Philantropy. Phase 1, the release of genetically modified sterile males (non-gene drive) in a rural
Visual Analysis of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets to Maximise Universal Access (Projects)
reduce malaria transmission and improve child health. Data capture and analysis algorithms will be made open source.
Malaria | Swiss TPH (Page)
epidemiological evidence to target malaria interventions in Papua New Guinea and beyond OpenMalaria Workflow and OpenMalariaUtilities R Packages Related Activities Basic Research Consultancy and Policy Advice