Rabies mortality and morbidity associated with animal bites in Africa: a case for integrated rabies disease surveillance, prevention and control: a... (Publications)
the need for a policy to drive the goal of zero dog-transmitted rabies to humans by 2030.This is an open-access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC
Effectiveness of Nifurtimox Eflornithine Combination Therapy (NECT) in <em>T. b. gambiense</em> second stage sleeping sickness patients in the... (Publications)
ess results after the 24-month follow-up visit. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In a multicenter, open label, single arm phase IIIb study, second stage gambiense HAT patients were treated with NECT in
The promotion and development of One Health at Swiss TPH and its greater potential (Publications)
leading to the development of One Health research at the Swiss TPH were inspired by far-sighted and open ideas of the directors and heads of departments, without exerting too much influence. They followed
Lung allograft microbiome association with gastroesophageal reflux, inflammation, and allograft dysfunction (Publications)
microbial density in BALF samples, especially the CST1-specific genus, Prevotella. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Mobile nudges and financial incentives to improve coverage of timely neonatal vaccination in rural areas (GEVaP trial): a 3-armed cluster randomized... (Publications)
could increase timely neonatal vaccination in a rural, low-resource setting. METHODS: We conducted an open-label cluster randomized controlled 1:1:1 trial with three arms in 15 communities in Northern Ghana
Repeated mass distributions and continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets: modelling sustainability of health benefits from mosquito... (Publications)
were also examined. METHODS: Dynamic simulations of malaria in humans and mosquitoes were run on the OpenMalaria platform, using stochastic individual-based simulation models. LLINs were distributed in a
Diarrhoeal diseases among adult population in an agricultural community Hanam province, Vietnam, with high wastewater and excreta re-use (Publications)
exposed to wastewater and excreta used in agriculture in Hanam province, northern Vietnam. METHODS: An open cohort of 867 adults, aged 16-65 years, was followed weekly for 12 months to determine the incidence
Response, survival, and long-term toxicity after therapy with the radiolabeled somatostatin analogue [90Y-DOTA]-TOC in metastasized neuroendocrine... (Publications)
([(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC) in neuroendocrine cancers. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a clinical phase II single-center open-label trial, patients with neuroendocrine cancers were treated with repeated cycles of [(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC
Is misoprostol a safe, effective and acceptable alternative to manual vacuum aspiration for postabortion care? Results from a randomised trial in... (Publications)
vacuum aspiration (MVA) for treatment of incomplete abortion in a developing country setting. DESIGN: Open-label randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Two university teaching hospitals in Burkina Faso, West
Prices and mark-ups on antimalarials: evidence from nationally representative studies in six malaria-endemic countries (Publications)
Benin where wholesaler and retailer mark-ups are regulated; however, unlicensed drug vendors based in open-air markets did not adhere to the pricing regime. These findings indicate that mark-ups on antimalarials