Offering ART refill through community health workers versus clinic-based follow-up after home-based same-day ART initiation in rural Lesotho: the... (Publications)
home-based same-day ART initiation. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The VIBRA trial is a cluster-randomized open-label clinical superiority trial conducted in 249 rural villages in the catchment areas of 20 health
Effect of offering same-day ART vs usual health facility referral during home-based HIV testing on linkage to care and viral suppression among adults... (Publications)
suppression in a rural, high-prevalence setting in sub-Saharan Africa. Design, Setting, and Participants: Open-label, 2-group, randomized clinical trial (February 22, 2016-September 17, 2017), involving 6 health
Digital Tool Improves Quality of Care for Children (News)
as the quality of care they received. The results were published in the peer-reviewed journal BMJ Open . “These findings support the use of CDSS for overall health systems strengthening, especially when
New Digital Health Tool Improves Care for Children in Somalia (News)
application of IMCI protocols. Notable improvements in care In a new study published in the Oxford Open Digital Health , results show that ALMANACH is transforming healthcare for children under five in
Altitude Positively Impacts Cardiovascular Health Peruvian Study Finds (News)
of MetS were found in men and women overall and within groups of users of improved cookstoves and open fires. “This shows us that it is important to consider behavioural differences between women and men
Fostering Research Productivity in Côte d’Ivoire (News)
ng authors from around the world. These are the key results of a study published yesterday in the open-access, peer-reviewed journal Globalization and Health . The analysis also found that as of 2016,
Coronavirus (Page)
(FHNW) und anderen Partnern durchgeführt. Die Disease Modelling Unit des Swiss TPH entwickelte das neue OpenCOVID-Modell , um die Auswirkungen verschiedener Impf- und Lockerungsstrategien auf die SARS-CoV-2-Epidemie [...] Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie in der Schweiz und im Ausland zu unterstützen. OpenCOVID wurde vom BRCCH und vom SNSF finanziert. Klinische Studien Die klinische Studie ANTICOV , ein [...] SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in children and adolescents with...
Effect of Offering ART refill through community health workers versus clinic-based follow-up after home-based same-day ART initiation in rural... (Projects)
refill after home-based same-day ART initiation. Methods The VIBRA trial is a cluster-randomized open-label clinical superiority trial conducted in 249 rural villages in the catchment areas of 20 health
SNIS Symposium: Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Page)
transformational actions to reach the 2030 Agenda. Programme Registration and Welcome 09:00 Registration opens 09:30 Welcome, Jürg Utzinger, Swiss TPH, Basel and Bernhard Fuhrer, SNIS, Geneva 09:35 Greetings,
hub for Europe-based systems thinkers who are working inside Europe or in LMICs. The European hub is open to systems thinkers in research, policy, and practice. Our focal areas include: Health systems resilience