Immediate surgery compared with short-course neoadjuvant gemcitabine plus capecitabine, FOLFIRINOX, or chemoradiotherapy in patients with borderline... (Publications)
therapy compared with immediate surgery. METHODS: ESPAC5 (formerly known as ESPAC-5f) was a multicentre, open label, randomised controlled trial done in 16 pancreatic centres in two countries (UK and Germany)
Outlining the institutional set up of the AMED scheme along with its functions and operational processes (Projects)
about the main orientations towards UHC. Another achievement of the CIC-CSU is the choice made for openIMIS as the management software, if its test is conclusive. AMED is the first step of the UHC progressive
Winter Symposium 2018 (Page)
and Animal Health Programme Thursday, 6 December 2018 Registration and Welcome 09:00 Registration Opens 09:30 Welcome and Introduction, Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss TPH Session 1 – On-Going Research Moderator:
Basic Research in Infection Biology | Swiss TPH (Page)
elucidate the functional and mechanistic basis of such pathogen- and host-specific biology and to open up new avenues for the development of new diagnostics, drugs and vaccines. Infection Biology Research
Outlining the institutional set up of the AMED scheme along with its functions and operational processes (Projects)
about the main orientations towards UHC. Another achievement of the CIC-CSU is the choice made for openIMIS as the management software, if its test is conclusive. AMED is the first step of the UHC progressive
Systems Thinking Tools (Page)
systems problems 2. Identify solutions to problems 3. Support decision-making processes Paper Several open software available
One Health (Page)
research training programmes from intervention to disease elimination training hubs and the Massive Open access Online Courses Research Governance, Management and Administration Contact afriqueone.aspire
Implementation of a digital Clinical Decision Support System / ICRC Somalia (Projects)
the management of childhood illness in primary care in rural Nigeria: an observational study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jul 21;12(7):e055315.
Clinical Statistics and Data Management | Swiss TPH (Page)
diseases in rural Lesotho GIVE MOVE - Genotype-Informed Versus Empiric Management Of VirEmia: an Open-Label Randomised Clinical Trial Publications All Publications Ghaneh P et al. Immediate surgery compared
Long-term Partnership in Tanzania Improves Access to Healthcare (News)
project for health financing. Initially developed by Swiss TPH for Tanzania, it has become available as open source software embedded in an international initiative . Empowered communities The project empowered