“It is a privilege to be able to bring science to the bedside” (Page)
entail? Every time you take a medicine, you rely on the trials that have been done before. When you open a pack of medicine, the information leaflet is in effect a summary of every important finding that
The beauty of disease modelling (Page)
but also other research institutes. In order to make these predictions, we developed not only our open-source individual-based models of malaria , but also a lot of the methodology that goes behind making
Virtual Event Series | Swiss TPH (Page)
and Public Health Institute, Switzerland 14:25 Fishbowl Panellist Discussion and Q&A (in chat) 14:45 Open Q&A (attendees can unmute and raise questions/comments) 15:00 Discussion of Participants' Brainstorming
Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase II (Projects)
through the effective start of mobile integrated surveillance in test areas and the installation of openIMIS software at Danamadji’s mutual health insurance, while the use of DHIS2 continues and is being [...] démarrage effectif de la surveillance intégrée mobile dans les zones test et l’installation du logiciel openIMIS auprès de mutuelle de santé de Danamadji, tandis que l’utilisation de DHIS2 se poursuit et est
Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase II (Projects)
through the effective start of mobile integrated surveillance in test areas and the installation of openIMIS software at Danamadji’s mutual health insurance, while the use of DHIS2 continues and is being [...] démarrage effectif de la surveillance intégrée mobile dans les zones test et l’installation du logiciel openIMIS auprès de mutuelle de santé de Danamadji, tandis que l’utilisation de DHIS2 se poursuit et est
SAPALDIA_de (Page)
sehen, geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen auf die Lungenfunktion haben (Fawcett et al 2020. Wellcome Open Res). In einer epigenetischen Analyse fanden Forschende heraus, dass der BMI (Body Mass Index) mittels [...] (Shrine et al. 2019. Nature Genetics; Wain et al. 2018. Nature Genetics; Jackson et al. 2018. Wellcome Open Research). Asthma ist eine chronische behandelbare Lungenkrankheit. Es kommt vor, dass Asthma auch
Clinical Trials at Swiss TPH | Bringing Science to Patients (Page)
low-income settings and emerging economies for 20 years. The CALINA Study CALINA is a multicenter, open-label, single-arm study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a new artemether-lumefantrine dispersible
Kontakt und Anfahrt (Page)
Kontakt und Anfahrt Schweizerisches Tropen- und Public Health-Institut Kreuzstrasse 2 4123 Allschwil Telefon +41 61 284 81 11 Fax +41 61 284 81 01 Öffnungszeiten Hauptsekretariat: Mo–Fr, 08.00–12.00 u
A triple win awaits (Page)
Let's be honest, who could have predicted at the beginning of 2020 how the year would turn out. Of course, the epidemiological textbooks were outspoken about pandemics being one of the greatest global
Hybrid Learning Brings New Possibilities (Page)
Julia Bohlius is a trained physician and has been Head of the Education and Training Department at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) since August 2020. Previously, she was a r