Stringency of COVID-19 containment response policies and air quality changes: a global analysis across 1851 cities (Publications)
The COVID-19 containment response policies (CRPs) had a major impact on air quality (AQ). These CRPs have been time-varying and location-specific. So far, despite having numerous studies on the effect
Cervical cancer prevention in countries with the highest HIV prevalence: a review of policies (Publications)
Introduction: Cervical cancer (CC) is the leading cause of cancer-related death among women in sub-Saharan Africa. It occurs most frequently in women living with HIV (WLHIV) and is classified as an AI
Air pollution, metabolites and respiratory health across the life-course (Publications)
Previous studies have explored the relationships of air pollution and metabolic profiles with lung function. However, the metabolites linking air pollution and lung function and the associated mechani
CD38 expression by antigen-specific CD4 t cells is significantly restored 5 months after treatment initiation independently of sputum bacterial load... (Publications)
T cell activation markers (TAM) expressed by antigen-specific T cells constitute promising candidates to attest the presence of an active infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Reciprocally, t
Der lange Weg zur ersten Impfung gegen Malaria (Publications)
Ein historisches Ereignis nach einem langen Weg: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation hat jüngst den Einsatz des ersten Impfstoffes gegen Malaria zum breitflächigen Einsatz bei Kindern in den betroffenen
Le long chemin vers le premier vaccin antipaludique (Publications)
Un événement historique après un long chemin: l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a récemment recommandé l’utilisation à grande échelle du premier vaccin antipaludique chez les enfants des pays concer
Framework synthesis to inform the ideation and design of a paper-based health information system (PHISICC) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Health information systems (HIS) are meant to support decision-making at all levels of the system, including frontline health workers. In field studies in Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique and Nig